Cette semaine d’ERac sera donnée en anglais
The circle of human dependence as creative movers.
What do we need from the environment?
Why you move?
What really moves you?
Immerse into a creative journey where movement becomes the refined channel of the self, where choreography emerges from multi-dimensional moments and performance transcends « limits”. join us for a series of contemporary dance and performance workshops lead by dance artist Mor J Mizrachi.
In the classroom we will explore the depths of creative – contemporary dance. Each session will begin with a dance lesson emphasizing efficiency in movement, fluidity and self – expression, through improvisation and structured practice to allow intimacy through movement.
L’entraînement régulier de l’artiste chorégraphique est réservé aux pros adhérent.e.s de micadanses.
L’adhésion (90€) donne accès librement à toute la Saison d’ERac dans la limite des places disponibles. Ouverture des portes à 9h30. Pas de réservation.
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