Anoushka Jago

Anoushka was born in South East London in 1997.  In 2013 she joined the Centre for Advanced Training at Trinity Laban and the National Youth Dance Company, where she worked with Akram Kahn and Andrej Petrovic to create and tour ‘The Rashomon Effect’. The following year Anoushka studied on the Foundation Course at Northern School of Contemporary Dance. She then travelled to Israel, attending the International Dance Journey Programme with Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company and shortly afterwards to Italy, where she danced at Nuova Officina della Danza (NOD). She returned to England in 2017 to become a member of Jasmin Vardimon 2 (JV2).

Anoushka found her way back to Tel Aviv and graduated from the Gaga Teacher Training Programme  in 2020, under the artistic direction of Bosmat Nossan, Saar Harari and Ohad Naharin.